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AGS(HK) Technical Visit to LPMit Works in Cha Liu Au, Clear Water Bay Road


13 October 2018


1:00 am


Highlights :

The technical visit will be held at Contract No. GE/2015/03, Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Programme, 2011, Package H, Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Works. The major works of the Study Area at Cha Liu Au include construction of check dams, concrete deflection wall and boulder stabilization works.

In this visit, participants can have an opportunity to get a close up view on the site formation works for the above LPMit works.

Safety Requirements :

Participants should wear safety boot and bring their own safety hard hat and reflective vest. All attendees should also hold a valid safety Green Card or HKIE Member Card.

Book Prize :

Book prize is open to all young attendants (under 35 years old) for the submission of a good quality report (max. 500 words) on this event. Book Prize reward comprises a book "Geology of Site Investigation Boreholes in Hong Kong" by Chris Fletcher and book coupon HK$300.

Registration :

The number of participants is strictly limited. Priority will be given to members of the AGS(HK). The number of attendees will be limited to 30 and the applications will be acceptedonafirst-come,first-servedbasis. Successfulapplicantswillbeinformedabout 1 week before the event. CPD certificates will be provided. If you have any queries, please call Martin Yip at 60120019.

Please register at

Keywords: Natural Terrain Hazard

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